license : Editorial Use Only
The Editorial Use Only license means that the image cannot be used for commercial advertising purposes.
license : Editorial Use Only
The Editorial Use Only license means that the image cannot be used for commercial advertising purposes.
license : Editorial Use Only
The Editorial Use Only license means that the image cannot be used for commercial advertising purposes.
license : Editorial Use Only
The Editorial Use Only license means that the image cannot be used for commercial advertising purposes.
license : Editorial Use Only
The Editorial Use Only license means that the image cannot be used for commercial advertising purposes.

Work-Oriented Adult Literacy Pilot Project in Iran
, IRANAs part of the Work-Oriented Adult Literacy Project, farmers and their families of the village Pava, attend a fortnightly agricultural film show arranged by a UNESCO expert in Mass Communications and Audio-Visual Aids, R. Paccard. The project covered 14 villages in the agricultural area around Isfahan, Pava, Iran.
Photo: United Nations Photos / IRAN IMAGES