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3000x2393 pixel
license : Editorial Use Only
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license «Editorial Use Only»

The Editorial Use Only license means that the image cannot be used for commercial advertising purposes.

2000x1596 pixel
license : Editorial Use Only
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license «Editorial Use Only»

The Editorial Use Only license means that the image cannot be used for commercial advertising purposes.

1200x958 pixel
license : Editorial Use Only
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license «Editorial Use Only»

The Editorial Use Only license means that the image cannot be used for commercial advertising purposes.

800x639 pixel
license : Editorial Use Only
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license «Editorial Use Only»

The Editorial Use Only license means that the image cannot be used for commercial advertising purposes.

800x639 pixel
license : Editorial Use Only
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license «Editorial Use Only»

The Editorial Use Only license means that the image cannot be used for commercial advertising purposes.

Replica of Cyrus Cylinder at the United Nations

Replica of Cyrus Cylinder at the United Nations


The replica of the "Edict of Cyrus" (Cyrus Cylinder) presented to the UN by Iran in October 1971. The tablet is mounted in a display case on a wooden base with English and French translations of the Edict.

Photo: United Nations Photos / IRAN IMAGES
