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Farming for Development: Erosion Control Project in Iran

Farming for Development: Erosion Control Project in Iran

December 15, 2005 , IRAN , KHORASAN RAZAVI

For some time to come the poorer countries of the world will have to rely on agriculture to raise their living standards and supply the capital they need to create industries. Agricultural production must therefore be increased. This requires tractors, fertilizers, new and better seeds, vast irrigation schemes, land reforms. Sand dune fixation experiments with drought resistant plants at Sabzewar. In order to control erosion and protect the irrigation network of the country the Government, with help from the Food and Agriculture Organization under the UN Development Programme carried out experiments in catchment areas. [Exact date unknown] 01 January 1971 Sabzewar, Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Photo: United Nations Photos / IRAN IMAGES

Tags: Sabzehvar
Iran | Khorasan razavi