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Edman O'Aivazian

Edman O'Aivazian

August 31, 2016 , IRAN

Iranian-Armenian painter and architect Edman O'Aivazian poses for a photo during his "Hundred Colors of the Homeland" exhibition at Niavaran cultural centre in Tehran, Iran. Edman O'Aivazian (born 1939, Tehran) is a London-based Iranian-Armenian painter. He studied Persian art at Isfahan, a cradle of Islamic art and design, and designed a 250 metre calligraphy frieze, which was installed in Riyadh Airport in 1985. He was commissioned to design a 50-metre mural for the King Abdulaziz National Museum, Riyadh. Some of his works are currently exhibited at the Museum San Lazaro, Venice; the National Museum and the Museum of Modern Art, Yerevan; and the Aivazovski Museum, Theodosia. Also his murals are in Armenian churches in Teheran and the National Museum, Riyadh.

Photo: Roshan Norouzi / IRAN IMAGES

Roshan Norouzi
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