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license : Editorial Use Only
The Editorial Use Only license means that the image cannot be used for commercial advertising purposes.
license : Editorial Use Only
The Editorial Use Only license means that the image cannot be used for commercial advertising purposes.
license : Editorial Use Only
The Editorial Use Only license means that the image cannot be used for commercial advertising purposes.
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Mahmoud Dowlatabadi
August 7, 2014 , IRAN , TEHRANMahmoud Dowlatabadi (born 1 August 1940 in Dowlatabad, Sabzevar) is an Iranian writer and actor, known for his promotion of social and artistic freedom in contemporary Iran and his realist depictions of rural life, drawn from personal experience. Dowlatabadi is celebrated as one of the most important writers in contemporary Iran, particularly for his use of language. He elevates rural speech, drawing on the rich, lyrical tradition of Persian poetry.
Photo: Roshan Norouzi / IRAN IMAGES