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Jun 29, 2023 - Gathering of "Nejat Society" member... View
Gathering of "Nejat Society" members in front of the Red Cross office in Tehran

Gathering of "Nejat Society" members in front of the Red Cross office in Tehran

June 29, 2023 , IRAN , TEHRAN

The members of "Nejat Society" gathered in front of the Turkey embassy in Tehran as the office of the protector of the interests of Albania and expressed their gratitude for the actions of the Albanian judiciary and law enforcement in controlling the headquarters of the PMOI in that country. Nejat Society was founded by some of the former members of "The People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI)", also known as "Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK)". The purpose of this society is to introduce the true nature of PMOI, establish communication between the members of this organization and their families, and also help these members to separate from the organization.

Photo: Matin Ghasemi - Borna News / IRAN IMAGES

Borna News
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Iran | Tehran