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Apr 9, 2023 - Qadr Night in Tehran (19th day of R... View
Qadr Night in Tehran Mosalla - 19th day of Ramadan

Qadr Night in Tehran Mosalla - 19th day of Ramadan

April 9, 2023 , IRAN , TEHRAN

Communal praying and recitations of the Holy Quran were held at Tehran's Mosalla on the 19th day of the holy month of Ramadan. in Islamic belief The Qadr Night or Laylat al-Qadr is the night when the Quran was first sent down from Heaven to the world and also the night when the first verses of the Quran were revealed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad and it is described to be better than a thousand months of worshipping.

Photo: Sara Abdollahi - Borna News / IRAN IMAGES

Borna News
12,984 Photos
Iran | Tehran