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Abolghasem Halat

Abolghasem Halat


Abolghasem Halat is the poet, translator, and authoritative researcher in this century. He was born in 1919 in Tehran. Abolghasem haalat learnt Arabic, English and French in early age and he has poems since 1935 and he continued by writing poem in old style and the biography. HALAT`s journal was full of the analects, proses, odes, lyrics and quatrains, which shows deep literal knowledge of this researcher. He started his work with a famous and humorous magazine by name success (TOFIGH) and he printed his stories by mester hoopoe`s signature and he signed his poems by names laarycock, funny, literacy fellow and father of glasses. Despite his age, he worked with Mr. Flower magazine (GOL AGHA) for a long time. Lot of articles from ABOLGHASEM remained. A lot of satires, poems and translations. He had stroke and died in 1992.

Photo: Jaamjoo Collection / IRAN IMAGES
