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Iran wins 5th crown in Greco-Roman wrestling world cup

Iran wins 5th crown in Greco-Roman wrestling world cup

May 20, 2016 , IRAN , FARS

Iran has for the fifth time won the Greco-Roman wrestling world cup after defeating Russia in the finals of the 34th edition of the games. The Iranian outfit overcame the Russian squad 8-0 in Iran’s southern city of Shiraz on Friday. Iran cruised past Turkey 7-1 earlier in the day to reach the final. The Turkish national team won bronze after defeating Kazakhstan. The two teams each bagged four bouts, but Turkey prevailed on account of its higher points. Belarus, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Germany stood fifth to eighth, respectively. The 2016 Greco-Roman Wrestling World Cup kicked off in Shiraz on Thursday with the hosts scoring victories against Ukraine and Azerbaijan on the first day of the event. The Iranian team had previously won the competition in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2014 in Armenia, Belarus, Russia and Iran, respectively.

Photo: Abbas Amiri - Borna News / IRAN IMAGES

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