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Farhang Sharif

Farhang Sharif

January 31, 2015 , IRAN

Farhang Sharif (born 1931 in Amol - died September 7, 2016) was a well-known Iranian musician and renowned tar player. Farhang Sharif learned music under the mentorship of his father starting at a young age. As a result, he performed his first radio solo at the age of 12. Sharif has collaborated with notable musicians such as Mohammad-Reza Shajarian, Akbar Golpaigani, Gholam Hossein Banan, Iraj and Mahmoud Khansari. He has also been in attendance at the Berlin music festival. When he was twelve, he started his first solo performance in a live radio program successfully.

Photo: Maryam Majd / IRAN IMAGES

Maryam Majd
386 Photos